Members and Patrons,
Summer is coming fast here at the Y!
The last two years have been challenging for us all, but the disruptions for school age children and their families have been extremely tough.
Every summer the Y provides summer day camp to over 100 families. In order to provide the highest quality of care to the children and their families at a reasonable cost, we have had to make some significant changes to our program.
These changes will help provide these children with the experiences and support to thrive.
Although we are excited to make these improvements to further our cause of Youth Development, there is a challenge of space.
Our land fitness and gym schedules will be adjusted to accommodate the changes. Updated schedules can be found at starting Friday, April 29.
We are still committed to Healthy Living, and will be providing as many land fitness classes as possible, but these classes will be moving locations to provide more childcare space.
Due to the licensing process and schedule, these changes will go into effect on Monday, May 2.
We realize this is a lot of change in a short period of time, but we are committed to providing as many classes as possible with the same level of energy and enthusiasm you are accustomed to.
Thank you for continued support and understanding.
With gratitude,
Sharon Jones
Executive Director